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Business Budgeting Software

Cloud-based budgeting software, fully integrated with reporting data to bring time-saving automation to your planning process.

Modern Budgeting Software, Without the Spreadsheets

BudgetFYI complements our ReportFYI financial reporting software and is ideally suited for finance teams with:

  • Decentralized budget processes: many budget owners are outside of finance.
  • Desire to easily forecast throughout the year, and adapt budgets for changing market or business conditions.
  • Need to eliminate spreadsheet chaos and the time spent chasing down files and correcting errors.
  • Goals to achieve greater automation and efficiency through the entire reporting and planning process, while avoiding  complexity.
budgeting software

Time-Saving Benefits of Integrated Data

How much time could you save if actual and budget data were fully integrated?

ReportFYI + BudgetFYI is a dynamic duo that brings powerful, time-saving automation to your budgeting process.

  • You no longer need to manually export/import financial data between systems.
  • Actual reporting structures are duplicated, avoiding the need to recreate report definitions, department or company hierarchies, and consolidated rollups.
  • Starting budget templates can be auto-populated with actual data or prior year budgets.
  • Approved budgets are auto-published to actuals with just a click.
  • Ease of forecasting throughout the year, automatically adjusting for updated actuals as the year unfolds.

Features That Make Budgeting a Breeze and Keep You in Control

Instant Templates

Create pre-populated starting points for every budget owner that reflect actual data, relevant accounts, organization charts, any predefined targets.

Workflow Management

Workflow management tools keep you in full control, provide 24/7 dashboard visibility of progress and deadlines, and keep budget owners accountable.

Audit Trail

BudgetFYI creates an audit trail of milestones, approvals, and accountability, documenting your entire budget process and removing the guesswork.

Rolling Forecasts

With our data integration, rolling forecasts can be automatically updated for actual data as the year unfolds.

Multiple Scenarios

An unlimited number of budget scenarios can be worked on simultaneously, such as best-worst case, top-down, or bottom-up.

Automated Publishing

Once a budget is approved, it can be published back to ReportFYI for variance reporting with just one click.

Forecasting with BudgetFYI

While budgets set a benchmark for the year, forecasts are typically altered monthly or quarterly to reflect changing market or business conditions. Through our software, forecasting could not be easier - with no manual exporting or importing required:

  • Simply create a new budget scenario.
  • Select which actual months of data to bring in to your forecast.
  • Choose which budget will be used to auto-populate the remaining year.
  • Make any adjustments needed to reflect your new targets.
  • Publish your updated forecast back to actuals with just a click. 

That's it! Schedule a demo to see how BudgetFYI brings you value for the year, not just for a season.

Expert Review

“It's obvious that a lot of thought went into the design of BudgetFYI. It's fresh and modern, easy to use, very capable, and the workflow management is solid. This is what midmarket companies are looking for in a budgeting product.”

Craig Schiff, President, BPM Partners, a leading independent and vendor-neutral performance management advisory services firm.

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